Delivering Constructive Criticism: 5 Essential Tips For Managers Who Deliver Feedback

This article was updated on August 10, 2024

Who loves performance reviews? Spontaneous feedback? How about constructive criticism?

Yeah. Nobody does. Especially managers.

Now, don’t get me wrong. Modern managers worth their salt undoubtedly understand the importance of effectively delivering constructive criticism and effective feedback.

They recognize it is essential for learning and growth, as well as advancement in their employees’ careers.  

But there is an art to delivering it — and lots to consider before putting that meeting invite on your employee’s calendar.

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The Data Doesn’t Lie: Secrets From The World of Data Science And Advice On How To Map Your Career

How cool is data? I just attended a panel discussion entitled, “Talk Data to Me” put on by the good folks at General Assembly.

The focus of discussion was how data drives business and product decisions across industries, but also the ups-and-downs of working as data scientist, what companies who hire data scientists look for in candidates and what it is like to be a woman in the industry. Panel members were as follows:

  • Panel Members
    • Jessica Lachs, head of business operations & analytics, DoorDash
    • Lily Jiang, data science manager, Quora
    • Laura Burkhauser, senior product manager, Le Tote
    • Ive Cojuangco, data analyst, Everlane
    • Ling Chen, data science manager, Glassdoor

I live-Tweeted the event. If you’ve ever had interest in the world of data science check out the topics that were covered.

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Thinking About A Career Shift? This Career Change Roadmap Is The Secret To Knowing If You’re Ready

Are you thinking about switching careers, but you’re unsure? What if all you needed was a career change roadmap to help you make the leap?

Well, you aren’t alone. But that shouldn’t be surprising.

Earlier this year I attended a workshop hosted by Career and Personal Branding Consultant Joseph Liu.

The presentation focused on helping participants realize what it takes to truly align your ambitions and personal values with your work to achieve happiness and fulfillment.

The theme of the session was “career reinvention” and it delivered a realistic picture of what it takes to reach that goal.

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